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Knowing When Your AC and Heating Units Need Repairs

Many of us have come to rely on air conditioning and central heating, especially those of us who spend the majority of our time inside an office or at home. These units make it possible to work productively at our businesses and feel comfortable in our homes so when one stops working correctly, we need to act as quickly as possible to resolve the issue and to avoid higher energy costs that might come about because of a malfunctioning unit. To help us with this, the air conditioning and heating units provide us with some warning signs, letting us know if they need to be repaired or even replaced.

One of the most obvious signs something is wrong with your unit is uncommon noises, the kind that might sound like something rattling is inside, or even the screeches that machinery can sometimes make when they are not well oiled. Noises that are out of the ordinary or that continue for a long time are one of the first signs something is off. Despite the noises, the air conditioner or heater could still be functioning normally, but it doesn't mean there isn't something loose or that has moved around inside the unit. You might begin to start smelling a kind of mossy, humid air, which could mean there is something wrong with your unit that is causing the filter not to work as it should. Hopefully, this will only mean you need to replace the filter, but it can also mean the refrigerant in your air conditioner is leaking, which is actually quite common. It is important to have a mechanic examine the unit and recommend just what to do, because fixing this particular problem can get expensive. Strange odors can also mean there is mold growing on the unit, or that there's been an electrical issue that needs urgent repair. To make sure that it is nothing serious, nothing that will pose harm to the rest of your household or business, you should call a heating and air conditioning repairman.

Another sign that your heating and air conditioning units are malfunctioning is if the air temperature suddenly starts varying inside a room. This could mean your compressor is failing, which can be fixed but is also expensive, or it could be something as simple as a malfunctioning thermostat. Your air conditioner might sometimes drip, but if you find a large pool of water underneath it, it probably means there is something not working correctly. If you only see water, then it could mean there's just a clog, but if you see ice or frost forming it could mean the refrigerant is leaking, which will require you to call a repairman if it doesn't clear on its own.

If the outside fan stops working, then there is a serious issue with your air conditioning and heating unit. The fan is a vital part of the unit, since it keeps it from overheating on hot days, so without it, your air conditioner could would not be able to continue working. If the fan is broken, then you will need to replace the whole outdoor air conditioning unit. Replacing it can, unfortunately, be expensive, although repairmen do have payment plans that you might be able to arrange

Your air conditioning and heating units are strong machines that will last a long time, but when they do start failing, they will give you these and many other different warning signs. Whether it is a strange noise, odor, pooled water, or temperature shift, the best option is to call a repairman to ensure no further damage occurs to your unit.

Get To Know The Author: Charles Warsager is a frequent public speaker and influential leader. He enjoys working on new ventures, contributing to publications, and playing music. You can visit this valuable resource for more info about this article's subject http://www.airmaxx.com/air-conditioning You can find more on the author's profile page.